Welcome to Divine Revelation Ministries Serving Arms Ministry!

Our Serving Arms Ministry exemplifies the heart of God's provision, showcasing His identity as Jehovah Jireh. Rooted in Romans 12:13 – "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality," we are committed to extending a helping hand, warm meals, and a sense of belonging to those in need.

Our Ministry in Action:

  1. Hospitality Beyond Walls: Serving Arms Ministry believes in embodying God's love by offering hospitality that knows no bounds. From refreshments within our church walls to providing nourishing meals to the community, we strive to demonstrate the generosity and care reflective of Jehovah Jireh.

  2. Feeding the Hungry: Our ministry extends its arms to those struggling with homelessness, illness, and dire circumstances. We organize initiatives to feed the homeless, visit those in hospitals, and support families facing challenging times.

  3. From Children to Families: The scope of our service spans across all age groups. We are dedicated to catering to the needs of children, families, and individuals, recognizing that every person is valued in the eyes of God.

Biblical Inspiration - Romans 12:13: "Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality."

This verse encapsulates the core of our ministry's mission – to contribute to the needs of the saints and actively seek opportunities to show hospitality. We believe that through our service, we reflect the love and care that God intends for His children.

How You Can Participate:

  1. Volunteer Opportunities: Join us in making a tangible impact by volunteering your time and skills. Whether it's serving refreshments or participating in community outreach, your contribution matters.

  2. Community Events: Stay tuned for Serving Arms Ministry's community events where we come together to share meals, offer support, and build connections that go beyond the surface.

  3. Donations and Support: Your support, be it in the form of donations or contributions, helps us extend our reach and serve more effectively. Together, let's make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Serving Arms Ministry invites you to be a part of a community that actively contributes to the needs of others. Let's embrace the call to show hospitality and make a lasting impact on the lives we touch. Join us in the joy of serving!